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Old 08-01-2007, 05:34 PM
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STi Tuned STi Tuned is offline
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STi Tuned at standard level

HA, your such an IT snob.

Get this right... for the last month I've been building this PC. First mistake I make is buying the stuff at a cheaper price from over east. Firstly the mainboard is faulty, won't boot. So I post it back at my cost, then it turns out the RAM's also faulty, fails mem tests.

So then I pay to send that back & then buy some expensive shit here to make sure it's not a compatibility issue with generic stuff.

Load windows, thinking yeah I'm on the home stretch. Now it's doing fkn crazy shit that makes no sense... programs shut down with no errors, programs won’t load... what spins me out is that a program like ABC seems to freeze but is still responsive. So all the stats are just still... "downloading at 114kb, eta 3hrs".. just sits there frozen. Then you stop one of the torrents & restart it and it jolts it back to working again. It's just weird.

Anyway point is I spent 4 hrs yesterday installing, loading drivers, setting up outlook with all the accounts, configuring all the BT clients... now I have to do it all over. This geek shit fkn breaks your heart sometimes... I have better shit to do with my time.
Ho's gotta eat too
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