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Old 15-01-2007, 04:10 PM
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Default Power FC Antilag and Rotational Idle Hacks

Now normally Proper Antilag and rotational Idle does not come with Power FC. Antilag apparently did come with some of the Power FC PRO models but that is no longer in production.

These instructions below I have discovered on the internet allow you to have antilag and/or rotational idle using any normal Power FC. I do not know if this is proper antilag or rotational idle or just something just "simulating" its effects (exhaust pops and crackles on throttle back off) (lumpy cam exhaust note at idle)

Disclaimer: Try these mods at your own risk. I will NOT take any responsibility for any damage you do to your car in any form what so ever.

All the instructions require the use of a hand controller and instructions relate directly to the use of the hand controller. You also need to know your way around the hand controllers menu system pretty good.

Power FC Antilag:

Whilst there is no official Apexi plug in Anti Lag you can do a "poor mans antilag". This is at zero cost and is merely amusing and a bit of fun, I don't think it does any good (and might not be safe).

3. Change the top row (row P01) to be all zero's (the number 0) for IGN timing.
4. Drive around and listen to the car pop and backfire on gearchange

This is because on gear change the AFM momentarily drops its air when the throttle body closes so AFM drops into load point P01 (most times, not %100). So the result is, the engine drops to 0deg IGN timing for a split second and it pops and backfires on gearchange, race car style. This may not be safe and suitable for ceramic exhaust wheel'd turbo cars as it could cause exhaust wheel failure from heat. Logic says it should bring on boost a bit quicker but it doesn't appear to do squat. Traditional anitlag backs off timing on gearchange and dumps fuel, but keeps the throttle nailed so keep exhaust gas flowing.

Power FC Rotational Idle:

For some bizzare reason you may want a lumpy 'cammed' idle. To impress your friends, for kicks or to sound tough on the streets at the traffic lights against that Clubsport R8. When the PowerFC runs it's idle loop it plonks itself onto cell 2x2 and stays there. You may notice if you dial in more or less IGN timing on that cell, that it is ignored for idle loop. That is, it will always run 15deg IGN timing no matter what you dial into that cell. An alterate "hack" is the following

1. Turn car ON
3. Press DOWN 1 time

If you observe lumpy idle then note the number ie: -1 If you don't observe lumpy idle, press DOWN again. Keep repeating until you get lumpy idle, don't go past -3 or -4 it's too much. Now with that number in mind do the following

1. Turn car OFF
2. Dial back the Crank Angle Sensor whatever number you had in IGN/INJ Adjust, so if you had -2 dial it back 2 deg
3. Turn car to ACC
4. Edit the IGN map and shift every cell UP whatever number you used in #2. So if it was -2 then add 2deg timing to every IGN cell on the map
3. Turn car ON
4. Observe lumpy idle

This is by no means a supported feature and it might not even be a good idea. By all means try it but do so at your own risk, if you blow stuff up or cause problems then its your own fault, you were warned.

Instructions taken from:

I repeat. Do so at your own risk...

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