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Old 26-03-2007, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ImPreSiV
maybe we should organise a protest.. all the cars from the modified car scene at parliment house. I recon 1000+ people who are willing to do something about it and suggest maybe some better ways of reducing the road toll would cause the "big wigs" to stop and listen to the people for a change.

Hiking up fines and demerit's isnt going to do shit IMO. Better driver edumacation, Larger focus on the "other" things that motorists are dying from, and maybe... just maybe... driver rewards?

Why should I drive at the speed limit? What's in it for me. 10km's over makes fuck all difference really, and I doubt people are being killed because they are doing 80 in a 70 zone. Excessive speed combined with driver fatigue, alcohol/drugs, poor roads, poor sinage, and lack of education is what causes speeding motorists to die.

There is more to the problem than whacking a couple of fixed camera's here and there and jacking up the fine's to pay for the end of year police function!
Hoons asking for pit checks every 2 years would make front page
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