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Old 04-04-2007, 05:01 PM
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SINISTR at standard level

I think we all see the facts, the fact that we need better driver training before kids get on the road with a P plate... etc etc etc... and as much it pisses you off, it pisses me off and probably most people out there... but you have to remember politics are politics... and these campaigns for 'speed kills' are out there because they bring money and revenue for the government, thesame way they create wars so they can spend money as a tax write off to make more money on something else. Putting everyone through driver training, to the government is a waste of money in the long run - imagine putting everyone through a course or two, and they they will go out there -- preferably NOT speeding and driving cautiously - where will the government make its money from if everyone drives safely? Its stupid.. and you have every right to be pissed off to the max - but the truth is in Australia - unlike europe where people know what is going on around their car - in Australia its everyone for themselves, selfish drivers - hence merging lanes are for whoever is quicker and has a bigger 4wd, round abouts are crop circles where UFOs land and indicators don't exist, and double white lines mean absolutely shit... in Europe people go through such stress to get a drivers licence - that the stress alone makes them better, they fail and fail and fail over and over again - and come out 10 times as good as they went in...

Im with you... but there is little our words can do mate.
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