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Old 13-10-2005, 08:22 AM
Posts: n/a

"the quest to out-do EXPLICIT continues",

If you knew either of us well (which is clearly you don't) you would soon realise we are best mates and we share a common passion to do things to the extreme, it just so happens we both bought WRX's.

"what a waste of good capital!!"

can't argue with ten's of thousands of dollars being 'wasted' but what concern is this of yours on what I spend my money on?

"say goodbye to street legality!! :P"

define street legal first. you would be hard pressed finding anyone with a modified wrx that has a "street legal" car. the 'rw is a class A registered car, not a B-reg, so if it ever gets defected (again) i just have to keep paying rego and submit transportation/event permits everytime I want to drive it in public.

"My only hope is that after all this we FINALLY see it on a strip, might put some rumours to rest."

My hope too and it will happen, just not how you may think. Not sure what rumours you speak off....maybe the ones created by the likes of you perhaps?

"Not everyone has a 100-120k budget to spend on a street car, but there'll probably be some come back for that so, enough said"

comeback yes....don't have an exact total, rounded off to the nearest cent, but the budget so far is....closer to 190k...which doesn't include the 45k when it was purchased new. not forgetting, its not finished yet!

"the car has some very seriously nice mods. but it doenst make ramon God like half the ppl on this forum believe him to be."

for those interested, i am now a legal organised religion and donations are tax deductable! croooooooom.

"if he was actually planning to drive this thing other than out the garage and into freo it would only be 50% of a waste of money (and time)"

covered (since the odo/dash was removed last year) around 30,000kms since it was new. sure that's not a lot and I regret not having driven it more before it got out of hand (mod/time wise) but live and learn. I hope to be in the car, this includes all perth-wrx cruises, when the time comes. ohh yes, i am quite old skool and matter of fact about the sunday afternoon 'freo strip run, so don't mind if i cut a lap or three in the 'rw of freo this summer.

"let him defend himself and his previous actions/comments"

life is to short to hold back and i don't have to justify anything to you or anyone else. if a bloke or car is not to my liking, i will say words to that effect, and never based on level of mods or money spent either because I too once was a struggling modder and appreciate all that is the world of wrx taken to its limit. I do seem to recall you and I had a verbal internet run-in a few years back, when you claimed one car was infact, as good, or better than another. i still stand by what I said based on what you defend, having an opinion....but difference between yours and mine, was that I was right.

ohh yes, can't end a post without my famouns "slag off"..

on the first day i created Mo and on the second day i created TeC....the other 5 days of creation i sat back and batted my cock senseless over sequential injection!

can u do beta for cash?

for those who seek spiritual guidance and capital growth all rolled into one, i have some advice.....if your IQ hits 10, SELL!