Thread: Buying a 300ZX
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Old 23-05-2007, 01:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by BALISTC
More than likely the whole team of brickies inside his Mrs, cos she's probably a slapper
Show a little respect, we had that talk with you and what your mother and I do in our own time is none of your business.

In any case, this thread gave me an insight into the average WRX driver and sadly reaffirmed some beliefs that were long overdue for replacement. Thanks to those who actually gave me some informative posts or supported their opinions with a little hard data rather than "my mates brothers girlfriend knew a guy who heard that 300ZX's overheat/are boats/use heaps of fuel etc. etc."

It's fairly obvious from this thread where a lot of WRX drivers stand. I especially like how you ignore the facts in my posts to respond with threats and criticisms, without actually responding to anything I posted. Good job.