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Old 05-07-2007, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by dtrally
It's normal for the pedal to sink further when the car's running, that's the function of the booster. With the car off, it should take about 3 pedal applications to deplete the booster's vacuum supply, if not you are probably missing the one way valve. Once the vacuum's gone you should have a rock hard, no sponge pedal. Is this the case?
Is the car 'B' rego (it probably should be with a hyd h/brake anyway) if so, throw the whole lot away (master cylinder & booster) and fit a twin master cylinder pedal box with balance bar. Than you'll have consistency with antilag on and infinite bias adjustability.
Group N rally car, we can't ditch the master cyl, or it'd have been shown the door at the beginning, itd also make my life a whole lot easier..

we're suspicious of it being a vacum problem, but it just seems a little odd..

theres no one way valve in the line form the manifold, checked this on two cars, <97 sti> so im guessing its either in the manifold or the booster itself..

as for race brakes, spoke to them yesterday...
Jesus Built my car, Its a love affair, Mainly Jesus and my hotrod
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