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Old 17-09-2007, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by ImPreSiV



luckily for west coast, kerr will be fixed, cousins will play a full season, and pridis is awesome.... Hopefully Judd can't fix his groin, and he lacks the pace he once had...

bout the best football releated post ive head out of you kym haha. that is exactly why west coast have underperformed this year, lack of players, even if its a few, but it was quality players, it makes a huge difference, they won the flag last year coz they were all fully fit, its a common rule, team with the least injuries wins it, its why geelongs done so well, had few injuries during there 15 game weinning streak.

i read an article this w/e, the groin injury to judd could be a career threatinign one, as a west coast supporter im hoping it is so i feel relieved when he barely plays next year haha. the article said its the same injury kewell has had in the premier league, he has been constanly plagued by it for the last 6 years, and he has been very limited. if we can get players back next year, including player like butler, and kerr n cousins play the full season then they will be a top contender again next year, and with trading judd there is no douiubt some sort of talent will be added.

wherever judd goes, could enbd up in a 3 way trade so mite end up with players from some other club, but the eagles should be very firm with judd, its hte other clubs chasing eagles should have the upper hand, play hard to get, they really should try n get a quality player plus their two high draft picks imho. if it wasa cartlon player, to be honest there is fuck awl there to get.
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