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Old 11-11-2007, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by BN01
How wides your foot?

I ask because i noticed the way Jan does his "heel-toe" shifts when we were doing runs in Albany. Rather than using his heel and toe, he just uses either side of his foot. ie he just rolls his ankle over to the right to stab the throttle while keeping the left side of his foot on the brake. It'd have a lot to do with the size of your foot and pedal placement, but worth a try.

Of course he may be able to explain this a little better himself, but its just what i noticed from the passenger seat. Interesting.
Heh, no particular reason I do it that way - just how I started doing it when I taught myself and what felt comfortable at the time I spose.

Watch some Best Motoring videos with their "foot cam", thats what inspired me to learn.

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