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Old 13-02-2008, 08:12 AM
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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BALISTC knows their stuff

I used to be against this because I was uninformed, but I'm now starting to agree more with it.

I agree with Kevin Rudd apologising for what the Australian Government did to the traditional aboriginal people for a period of 60 years (1910s - 1970s). It was a terrible thing to do, as the aboriginal people were more than happy to live off their land as they were and had done for thousands of years. Imagine if the government came in, and took you away from your family beecause they thought it was for your own protection? You'd be angry too.

Many of these people were NOT better off "integrated" into white society....look at how many problems we have with aborigines now? Much of this came from integrating aborigines into our white society in a very very short period of time, rather than allowing it to happen naturally over a period of hundreds of years.

The government thought that within 6 generations, aborigines would be erradicated. I don't know who actually thought that would occur, but it sure was a stupid idea. It really hasn't help anyones situation, especially not ours with the amount of taxpayers money that goes towards supporting the bitter and disadvantaged aboriginal society that currently exists and was created by this ridiculous policy of removing children from their families. Now these peoples children are instilled with the skewed and acerbic views of an angry race, and it snowballs from there right through aboriginal just causes more problems with welfare and crime, as we all know.

I DO NOT agree with individual Australian's apologising though, as personally we've done nothing wrong. We just need to understand and realise what has happened, and that acknowledgement is apology enough from individual Australian's.

I also DO NOT agree with any litigation that may take place. An apology can be interpreted as an admission of fault or guilt, so lets see what happens from here...

It's going to take more than an apology to sort this one out, but at least its a start.

It's very easy to say "stupid boongs" or "dirty car-stealing coons". Fair enough, we can't change the fact that many of these people really are the scum of the earth and a lot of us have experienced the effects of this through crime, etc, but how about we start looking at the underlying factors and maybe we can do something about it for our future generations?

Last edited by BALISTC; 13-02-2008 at 08:17 AM.