The better brand rams will be a little expensive, usual base rams are fairly cheap. A bigger case is always better, seperating all the components helps.
If your computer fucks up, you 9 times out of 10 have not installed the component properly. Its pretty hard to stuff it up to be honest. Sometimes you get a dud, but like with austins, i take it back, tell them excactly what happened (providing i did screw it myself by rubbing myself on a rubber mat and touching all the parts) and they will usually sympathise.
Out of sevrel comps ive built for my family and I, i think ive had ONE stick of ram that was 3 years old corrupt and not let me install windows XP. One in about 5-10 years, not bad i reckon. A main missed practice is people not putting the thermal paste on the CPU when connecting the fan onto it.
Honda Hannspree Edition CBR 600 RR - SOLD
Yamaha FZ1N - Purchased