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Old 31-03-2008, 03:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Here is a update of what is happening with F6F's beast!
As you know he is getting a complete engine rebild, it is exciting to say the least.
This car will leave Nizpro and be ONE OF the first THREE in Australia!

Normally these engines have a 2-3 week turn-around. Currently there are no components for our engines in Australia that meet Nizpro's stringent standards, causing a delay due to a parts supply issue for Conrods and Pistons.

Nizpro have designed these parts in-house, and they are currently being manufactured as we speak. In fact, the Conrods have arrived however we are still waiting on the next batch of pistons.

The exciting thing is, 3 people are in line right now to have these engines built, and these will be the first 3 engines of this calibre in Australia.

Trust me when I say, the wait, whilst inconvenient due to the parts supply, is definitely worth it.
Understand that Nizpro are VERY keen to get these parts in and the quality engines out of our workshop in a timely manner.
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