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Old 18-05-2008, 07:00 PM
Posts: n/a

big thanx to jan for taking time out yesterday to do the shoot on such short notice. the guy clicking the camera can always make things worthwhile if they are themselves as passionate as you are about the subject matter and in jan's case this shines' through bigtime!

cheers to paul aswell for bringing the 22b along. after spending time in person with the car and a short drive i am now convinced this will infact be my next car! i loved the non-reflective dash coverings and i can't get over looking in those rear view mirrors and seeing nothing but ASS.

deep down they are very similar, mechanically of course, but everywhere else they are totally different and unique as each other. once in a lifetime getting two subaru factory supercars together and comparing things like sticker placements and ideas behind the widebody flared gaurds on the 22b and that crazy rear bumper on the s201

we now know both cars share the "tap here" vortex mark of japan goodness and coolness and a few other japan only highlights like rear only tinted windows and back to front service manuals!

paul and myself are keen to have both cars at perth-wrx's entry for motorvation 2009 so watch this space!
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