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Old 27-06-2008, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by scoobygez
we will be doing i just love the place so much more relaxed and stress free

when i got back in the uk i got my mate to pick us up from the airport and straight away i had idiots cutting me up flashing there headlights for me to move over and generally making us think why did we come back
Well I spent 5 years working in the UK and Germany and have driven throughout both these countries. I prefer driving in Australia because of the lack of traffic, quality of roads etc, but I have to disagree with you about the standard of driving in Perth. It's pretty poor compared to the UK. Pretty much what Doadrift says. If you're happy to just cruise around 10km/h under the speed limit then you may like it, but if you're in a rush, late for work it can be very frustrating. Driving on the motorways & Autobahns, people don't tend to sit in the fast lane doing 10 under. They'll pull over and let you pass, whereas you won't see that here. In France and Germany they are very big on flashing their lights for you to pull over so they can go past you. It works very well. If they want to break the speed limit that's their perogative. Some people seem to get offended and emasculated because someone flashes their lights at them - how dare they! I tried it a couple of times and got 'followed' by two kids in a modded Lancer , so I don't bother now. And the speed cameras over here are much more obviously revenue raisers than in Europe. i.e speed cameras hidden in bushes just where a 70 changes to a 60 which has been accident free for 25 years. Also I found the Police a lot more sensible in the UK re speeding. The amount of times I've seen cars going past cop cars on the motorways doing 80, 90 etc and not being pulled up. Certainly very few people sit on 70, whereas over here if you see a cop car on the freeway, there will be a trail of cars behind him not daring to overtake. It's a 10 minute drive to my local beach and I go through 11 different speed zones, so it's not just about adhering to the speed limit, because half the time you don't know what the speed limit is. That said at the end of the day the traffic in Europe is horrendous and I'll stick with bad drivers over heavy traffic any day.

Last edited by perthzed; 27-06-2008 at 09:58 AM.
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