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Old 03-02-2009, 07:51 AM
deviant deviant is offline
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deviant at standard level

See I just dont buy in to "Speed is always a major factor in most deaths" at all.
The cause of an accident is never speed alone and speed in itself is not dangerous...its just when its used at the wrong time or someone inexperienced is travelling at speed.

Its also very easy for 'speed' to be put down as a cause of death...I.E. If someone crashes a car at 100KMH and dies but the post mortem reveals they would have survived at 80KMH cause of death can be put down as 'speed' but when they crashed they were still on or within the speed limit....see now I'm just flicted 'cos the gumbyment tell's us that your safe if you dont speed

Heck you can go as far as saying that if you knocked someone over doing 5kmh and they hit their head on the ground and died the cause of death could be speed because if you were not movning at all the accident would never have happened.

Cynical? Me? Nooooo
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