Thread: DJing
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Old 22-03-2009, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by vyper
Head down to the Dj Factory and speak to Ken, Sam or Adam - They're top blokes and very helpful. Remember: Cash talks

I'd stay away from the vinyl path at the moment if you're a beginner. It's expensive and harder to learn on. I started out this way, then went digital and now onto CD's. Unfortunately (and it's quite disappointing), vinyl has been pretty much eliminated from the scene nowadays and has all gone to CD.

Whatever you do, don't buy cheap CD players - Take a look at the Pioneer CDJ800's and use these as a minimum. If you can afford the 1000's then go for it. Mixers are easy to source and usually a $200 shitter will get you by until you're ready to buy something better (Read 'better' as: Pioneer - Another industry standard ).

If you're still strapped for cash, steer away from the no-name brands whatever you do. Pioneer, Stanton, Behringer, Numark, etc will get you started - They are made for dj's and will have the features and reliability that you need.

Either way, it's an expensive hobby to get into, but very rewarding at the same time.

Depends wat kind of genre you mix mate. i do dnb and let me tell you vinyl is far from eliminated! yeah in pretty much every other type of music it out but pretty much every dj in drum n bass use's vinyl.

If you want the easy way out get programs such as serato scratch or ableton. a child could mix this way. or if you wanna do it the real way set yourself up with some technics decks(t1200's or 1210's). if you start off with average ones you'll only want better ones 6 months down the track!! Pioneer mixer FTW
I'll be back . ... .
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