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Old 02-07-2009, 12:42 PM
Posts: n/a

yeah blew me away when he threw his keys to me. im pretty cool with letting my mates drive the 201 but i wasn't sure if he was the same.

three things i love about the 22b, the red cam cover, that non-reflective dash and the view you get in those mirrors and all you see is blue ass, those gaurds are just awesome.

to be honest i was a little dissapointed in the drive (albeit short and totally respectful) all that hype and adolesent expectation that this is the best impreza ever and all i could think was, is this it? not to say its not breathtaking, it sure is, but at the end of the day its just a highly tuned typeRA just like my s201.

i hate to think that just because you own something like this makes you any better than any other wrx out there and the simple truth your not!

the plain jane wrx is an awesome car, the aus spec jdm sti is again an amazing car and then you step it up a notch, the typeRA and R and then of course the B and the S-Series are in a world all there own but somehow its all same same!

on a personal note. i used to loathe when i would rock up to the wrx owners club of wa and a select few of "STi" owners used to look down upon us wrx folk as peasants. i hope that members on this forum don't feel that way when myself or wayne or jme or anyone else with one of these cars are out there. im proud of my car and im willing to share it with anyone that shows any half interest but it doesn't make me any better than you with an awesome wrx!

sorry, i get carried away sometimes, the passion is hard to control!
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