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Old 20-07-2009, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by megs_wrx
There has been a few complaints about coppers not knowing what to sticker and what not to sticker... so if they are training probies on inspections... thats a good thing!
Agreed, in part, mostly........

Originally Posted by megs_wrx
If your car is roadworthy you should have nothing to worry about.
Operative word should. That does not stop a Police man or woman writing up a defect notice if they really want to. Usually because they are being dicks. Granted that could stem from the driver giving attitude or whatever, but regardless it still happens. Why? Because they know how much of an inconvenience it is to get removed both in time and money. For blatantly illegal mods sure, go nuts. But handing out stickers because the windscreen washer bottle is empty or an aftermarket cd player has been fitted defies comprehension, yes I know people this has happend too. A simple warning to have the washer bottle filled ASAP is warranted not an $88 dollar fee and hours off work.

Originally Posted by megs_wrx
With permits for modifications (which I'll have to follow up, or someone in the biz can clarify) the only way they can be rejected is if the particular modification is not as it should be. From the DPI website ---> "These documents are proof that the vehicle is safe when used as the conditions on the permit dictate". If your running things as per the permit says then there shouldn't be a problem... I also stress the word shouldn't.
Exactly my point. Again in the grand scheme of things if Constable Care has sand in his/her vagina for whatever reason they can hand out a canary for whatever reason! My little brothers car (R33 Skyline) was given a yellow sticker for excessive wear on the front tyres. Now yes the wear was greater on the inside but at no point accross the width of any tyres was the tread at an illegal depth. From memory there was 9mm on the inside and 12mm on the outside. No feathering or otherwise any damage to the tyres at all.
No more GC8, sad face.