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Old 07-08-2009, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by BALISTC View Post
Still can't believe you got away from him, normally when these guys tab yuo, its pretty serious!
Yer no shit mate,

i remember being in hospital in a new country with holes in me an i had lost my phone in his car, i had no numbers to call my friends or family i knew it was fairly bad cos i had lost a shit load of blood while i waited for the ambulance (45 mins) my sight kept going black like then you stand up to quick, i had a drip n was on a heart monitor, but i honestly thought i had just been stabbed with a small scaupel or the like, turns out now it was a 6'' flick knife.

when they cleaned me up they put a suringe thro my arm then i had to see a surgeon because they thought i may have deep internal damage under my rib cage waitin for her to come took an eternity they checked the 2 in my chest an the 1 in my back they poked sticks inside at different angles to see how deep it was.. i remember them askin me what the day was an i said sunday, she then asked me the date i was not sure but she told me it was my lucky day it was 07-07-07 i hit the jackpot each stab wound had hit a rib she said its really rare to be stabbed with a knife of that size 3 times in the torso region an it not got between ribs.

so i know i was lucky, it could have been so much worse. the coppers reckon he didnt get his onw way an thought i was on to him an he wanted to dispose of me... who knows what goes tho the mind if a serial sex offender? has he killed anyone? makes me wonder...
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