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Old 20-04-2006, 02:38 PM
XRW 147
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by EvilCabbage
Relative, shmelative sir. I want to pay less fuckin' tax, or at least see some benefits for this country as a result of the taxes I'm paying.

Right now I get neither of those things.
Buddy, I think u need to ask your parents about the economy 15 years ago when Labour was enjoying the parlimentary throne. If you were paying the same amount of tax today in relative terms to then you would be living in a cardboard box.

You want to pay less tax, hire a better accountant.

And sure, a lot of the funds are not really appropriately distributed nor spent but if you do not see any benefit at all of where your tax $$$ are going I think you need to open your eyes.
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