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Old 20-04-2006, 02:49 PM
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EvilCabbage EvilCabbage is offline
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Originally Posted by SINISTR
definatelly, nothing depreciates more than a CAR. But as an opposite many of us could have overpaid our 'new' houses because of overpricing - so having paid say $300000 on a house, it could 'really' be only worth $250000 - know what I mean?
Yup. $175,000 for ours, bought privately from a really quite wonderful bloke. Just a two storey townhouse under strata, but the area is good, the neighbours are legends and we could probably sell for $250,000 in six months the way the market is going out here.

Ideally, I'll pay as much as humanly possible off the thing over the next couple of years, then see where life wants to take the wife and I. Honestly wouldn't mind renting it out and going overseas maybe. See what happens...

Originally Posted by XRW 147
Buddy, I think u need to ask your parents about the economy 15 years ago when Labour was enjoying the parlimentary throne. If you were paying the same amount of tax today in relative terms to then you would be living in a cardboard box.
I'm aware of "the bad old days", interest rates were ridiculous, but people still seemed to cope, the housing market was certainly more sane than it is now. Relativity in this case means approximately dick.

You want to pay less tax, hire a better accountant.
I have an excellent accountant. I'd need to start breaking the law to pay less tax, I like to think I'm above that.

And sure, a lot of the funds are not really appropriately distributed nor spent but if you do not see any benefit at all of where your tax $$$ are going I think you need to open your eyes.
When we can't keep nursing staff in our town and a health minister can claim a half million dollar salary a year, I'd call that not seeing a benefit.
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