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Old 05-05-2010, 09:09 AM
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I think if theyre going to raise this kind of money, they need to put it back into changing drivers attitudes, which is where I think the problem lies.

Its too easy to get a license, and then its too easy to keep your license, and then if you lose it, its too easy to drive anyway.

Having a license is a privilege, and not a right. That I think is what people dont understand. Police powers need to be increased to revoke licenses, and measures put in place to keep these people off the road.

Everyone has the same right obtaining a drivers license as much as going for your pilots license. Yet to fly a plane (which is statistically speaking is safer than driving isnt it?) you must go through countless practical and theoretical examinations, and have lessons in simulators and with qualified trainers, as well as costing a little bit on the expensive side. Yet to get behind the wheel of a car, you answer 30 questions, of which you can get some wrong, have as few lessons as you choose with practically whoever you want, then fill out a log book with someone whos attitudes towards driving are probably substandard as well.

A license may be a necessity for most people, and life would be hard without it. I know i would not have my job without mine, but that does not give me the right to it, or the right to abuse that privilege.

Perhaps a new registration system could be imposed to keep unlicensed drivers off the road? To use a firearm you need to have that firearm registered in your name, unless the registered person is with you. You cant be registered without a license, and you cannot keep that firearm in your possession without registration. Why cant a similar system be in place for vehicles?
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