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Old 05-05-2010, 11:43 AM
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I probably worded that phrase a bit wrong. I didnt mean more power per-say, or taking the responisibilty away from magistrates, what i was getting at is that its too easy for repeat offenders, the people who dont care and are dangerous, to keep their license and stay on the roads endangering others lives, because people seem to think the road belongs to them and its their god given right to drive on it. I was also saying that there are other offences committed on the road, other than speeding, that contribute to accidents and deaths. Failure to give way, not merging properly, tailgating, running stop signs/red lights, and people who do not fully understand the road rules. Where's the police targeting these offences?

You can get caught deliberately speeding as many times as your bank account can afford (or not) you might lose demerits and be off the road for a few months, but you can continue driving after that, and for a lot of cases many people continue to drive while unlicensed.

If i get caught doing something dodgy at work, I get fired. Going back to my previous examples, if you do something stupid with your gun, you get your weapon seized. I'm willing to bet if your imcompetent in the air, you'll lose your pilots license. Go to work on a minesite drunk? you dont get a slap on the wrist and a small fine and do it again another day, you get your arse fired. In other facets of society you do not get many second chances. If there are minimal consequences to endangering peoples lives, then people are going to continue to do it.

Last edited by Alternate; 05-05-2010 at 11:48 AM.
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