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Old 12-10-2010, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by haydn_wolf View Post
How is everyones training going? Shredding that winter fat?

I have managed to put on 4 kilo's in the past 4 weeks which is on track for my goal weight.
Finally hit 80.x kgs down from 90ish at the start of the hockey season in April. Was slow going for a while, but i cut out the booze for a month and that made the drop of the last few kgs so much easier. Still running around 40km a week and have started riding as well just to change it up. I wanted to hit 80 before i started lifting to try and shed as much weight as i could without crazy dieting etc.

weights program has been underway for 2 weeks now, noticing some neuromuscular coordination, am lifting way more comfortably and with much better form than my first session. Considering i havent lifted in over 2 years I'm quite happy with my progress. How often should you jump up in weight? 2 week incraments or when you can easily complete sets? Its been a while since i studied human movement at uni

Im training more so for speed and power as opposed to getting huge, I think ive got my sets and reps around the right area but not sure how much weight i should be lifting.

Also I suffer from a really bad case of right side dominance in both my arms and legs, any tips on how to equalise my strength? I played everysport under the sun when i was young but now i only play hockey which is a fairly neutral sport (no kicking, throwing etc which is heavily weighted to one side) which i would assume was to blame for my right side dominance.
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