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Old 28-02-2011, 08:59 PM
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SyncSubaru SyncSubaru is offline
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Yeah I have seen P90X - Havnt used it myself though - I just do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

Basically allows you to prevent your body from getting used to your energy needs by mixing it up frequently, so the body almost always burns energy from the fat reserves.

My program is 5minutes of walking to warm up, then you sprint for a minute, and drop back to walking for 2 minutes. Next, sprint again for 1 minute, but it has to be a different speed than the first one.

Also, the sprinting is useless if you arent pushing yourself hard.

Do 4 or 5 loops of that and then 3 minutes walking to cooldown.

If i remember correctly, HIIT helps your body continue to burn extra fat for a day or two afterwards.

EDIT - 100cm Waist (109cm around at my bellybutton) - Ouch
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