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Old 20-08-2006, 10:29 PM
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impresser impresser is offline
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impresser at standard level

Today went to Wannaroo markets finally found a parking spot (15 minutes later) went past it indicated and chucked it in reverse ( its easier to reverse the foz into tight parking bays ) looked in the mirror there was a dark blue corolla about 6 cars back started reversing into the parking bay when i heard a horn looked out the side widow and here is this corolla trying to go around me as i reversed in but he couldnt get through as the nose of my car was sticking out too far wound down the window and told him to back the f#*ck up so i could finish reversing but he didn't seem to be able to speak english so i translated for him ( gave him the finger ) and kept on reversing he got the message and backed up but as soon as he could get through he sped off wanted to go look for him and have "friendly" discussion about the incident but the wife wouldnt let me. Just want to know how can you get you licence if you can't speak engish?? What a wanker
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