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Old 26-07-2012, 09:10 PM
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baylee baylee is offline
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Ok, my wife got the parental leave payment so I can afford to drop a couple of 10c & 5c coins below....

Wait till your in a financial position to have kids!!!!
Pppppfffftttt... For 95% of the population, by the time this happens, your beef curtains will have definatley shrivelled over!!!!
That's a pipe dream..

There has been some valid points raised around making sacrifices, I 100% agree, I am yet to meet a parent who doesn't make sacrifices everyday of their frickin life.. Id have a fuckin spec c, not a gc8, id still have my ski boat, not a rubby ducky in the bath, id live near the beach, not out in the sticks!!!! Some people do need/should make more sacrifices i agree, however some pre conceived ideas that some seem to have are astounding!!!

Your tax dollars also pay for All the drug fucked useless fucks get back home after they have done a number of themselves... Also, your granny's hip replacement, Australia's border protection & "Xmas island"... Get up in their face lately.??

You still concerned about that $10k a "good" upstanding tax paying Citizens gets for helping to keep teachers in a job in this fantastic country!!!!

The "rockingham" reference is a different kettle of fish, as someone else has mentioned, that is referring to on going payments, not a one off assistance... Sometimes i do think you should be required to get a license to reproduce....

Oh did u give back your $900 handout last year?? Or did u not get it because u eart too much? Thus not needing it??

Or here's an idea, actually seek to understand what you are talking about before you try to be understood!!!

Rant over...
Dropped about 65c in the end, I'll claim that on next years tax return..
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