Thread: Cops on strike?
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Old 05-09-2006, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Grnrx
With all due respect to boys in blue, i am not a cop because of the horrendus shit that they deal with. So why do they so often highlight the hardships of the job?? Dont like it? Dont do it!!
Nobody forces them to stay in their jobs, like anyone employed. Sure, some do a good job, a job NOT for me,so i do something else. I dont work at Maccas cos i know how much they are paid, and the conditions of employment.
What kind of people become police? and why?? Is it because they have a genuine urge to help the community and uphold law and order??But only if the price is right?? So obviously the mighty dollars far outweighs the need to "protect and serve"
It was a free choice for them to take the job, is it the ONLY job in the world? Maybe for the power trip, plenty of perks too. Respect for the coppers that DO a good job, flush the rest.
We ALL would like a pay rise wouldnt we? Pollies are the only ones looking after themselves, cops should punish them, not joe citizen

one time
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