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Old 07-05-2013, 10:10 PM
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Master D Master D is offline
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Master D knows their stuff

So I figured I may aswell bump this up with my efforts as of late.

So I sold the bug which freed up a lot of money for me and I always told myself that once the car goes I need to focus on myself for a while.

Sure enough, the car sold the Saturday, I was at Jetts signing up for a year's membership of skinny horizons on the Monday.

Progress so far - I was weighed at the doctors start of the year and came in around the 166kg mark.
Nether the less the doctor said that was attrocious and that i was putting myself into a world of early medical issues I didn't want.
I sat on it for a couple of months ( called bullshit, I'm invincible And all that is man)

Sure enough I gradually came to the conclusion he was right when I could barely run 50m without nearly dying.

So I've been busy at the gym for a bit over 5/6 weeks and finally took the plunge onto the scales to see where I was sitting.
Sure enough, a fat drenched fully clothed version of me came in at 141kgs.

Still a fat bastard, but feeling a lot lighter.

My initial first night of "light" training was a casual stroll on the bike on level 1 or 2 resistance and would barely cover 15kms in 30mins. Fast forward to tonight, happily smashing out 20kms on nothing less than level 6 with a peak of level 12 and all on a full stomach.

I've virtually cut out all alcohol from my diet, drinking shedloads of water and eating healthy in smaller portion sizes.

There has been no "watkins" bullshit or any other diet apart from the methodology of "don't eat shit" and sure enough its working.

I'm now starting ( this week) meal replacement shakes for 2 or 3 of my daily meals and going to attempt to get my calorie intake right down.

So it turns out a little hard work and a no excuses policy about the gym has worked for me.

My goal is to be down around the 110 mark before my trip to Singapore but if I don't get there at least I know I have tried my hardest to achieve it.

I've had some support of some great friends along the way who have helped keeping me focused on doing it and a few kind remarks from people who have noticed the change.

I don't wanna sound cliche' but I didn't think I could be where I am now 3 months ago, seeing myself now though I'm pumped and push harder every time I'm there sweating my fat ass off.
2016 Subaru Outback - Work Wagon
350NM of CVT Goodness
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