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Old 08-05-2013, 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Master D View Post
I'm going to altetnate meals depending on which I want to have as a actual meal. More than likely I'll be replacing lunch and dinner and having a light breakfast.

Some low GI yoghurt with nuts and fruit stirred in for breakfast appears to be quite stomachable.
Just my opinion but if you are losing weight and eating proper food then I'd stick to that. Have a look at the Calories per serve on the shakes and try and match it with healthy food, that way you will learn what you need and make it a habit, rather than relying on a shake. I think shakes have their place but more as a last resort, ie you haven't been able to get something decent. You don't want to be relying on them 2-3 times a day as eventually you will get sick of them and then you wouldn't have learnt anything / changed any habits.
If it takes a bit longer then so be it, but the weight will stay off if you learn what's needed.
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