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Old 08-05-2013, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by XT43 View Post
Just my opinion but if you are losing weight and eating proper food then I'd stick to that. Have a look at the Calories per serve on the shakes and try and match it with healthy food, that way you will learn what you need and make it a habit, rather than relying on a shake. I think shakes have their place but more as a last resort, ie you haven't been able to get something decent. You don't want to be relying on them 2-3 times a day as eventually you will get sick of them and then you wouldn't have learnt anything / changed any habits.
If it takes a bit longer then so be it, but the weight will stay off if you learn what's needed.
Yep this. I lost a heap of weight without using shakes, just by eating good, healthy food (as well as my exercise of course), I suggest staying off the shakes mate.
But either way, well done Dave, keep up the good work!

Well done to the 3 of you for putting in the effort and losing some weight, that has got to make you feel good.
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