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Old 08-05-2013, 12:09 PM
SmittyB SmittyB is offline
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Originally Posted by trainwrex View Post
Im going the opposite way to you guys trying to stack lean weight on.

Ive gone from 63.5kg around 12 weeks ago to 71kg. Still at similar fat levels as to where i was 63.5kg.

I have cut out alot of cardio and focuss on heavy weights 5 days a week for different muscle groups.

Ive been having 3 shakes a day of around 600 calories (1800 per day) each plus around 2000 calories of good food.

I am wanting to get to around 75-80kg lean muscle, but my weight increase is now much slower i.e 1kg in 2 weeks.

Anyway to increase this value further.
Just my 2cents for what its worth.

Having been on both ends of the scale here, when I was 20 I was 98kgs (27% BF) and extremely unfit. I started training and eating clean and over 6months got down to 77kgs (11% BF).
I maintained this for a few years before deciding I wanted to be stronger, however due to my metabolic rate being fairly high due to my lifestyle of the previous years this was proving difficult. I am fairly lucky to have access to some very knowledgeable people at work with regards to this. So we came up with the right balance of cardio (as I love running) and weights plus a HUGE meal plan to achieve this.
So I began eating close to 4500 calories a day. I didnt count calories to the letter, just rough estimate using serving sizes etc. I generally aimed for 3-4 servings of fruit, 6-8 serving of vegetables, 100g of nuts, 2-3 serves of lean meats, and 6 serves of grains (bread, rice, cereal etc). I was also using protein powder on my cereal and would have a post workout shake as well. This got me to 86kgs (@14% BF) which is where I currently am today.
Unfortunately this type of eating is expensive as the healthier the food the higher the price tag.
The problem with "dieting" is they end. Whether you are trying to lose or gain weight. Lifestyle changes is what makes the difference. Diets are great for fast weight loss, one thing that I was told when I started losing weight that stuck was "the faster you lose it, the faster it comes back". 1kg a week is the limit of healthy weight loss. This gives your skin the ability to adjust with your weight also, unfortunately in some cases you'll end up with loose skin regardless.

Sorry just realised I went off on a bit of a rant, I am quite passionate about the fitness lifestyle.

To answer your question Trainwrex, like what was mentioned, eat more, eat clean, depending on your BMR will determine exactly how much you need. Increase by 600 calories a day, if after a few weeks you find that's too much or too little adjust accordingly. Keep your cardio sessions short and sharp. Guerilla Cardio or Tabata sessions work great for maintaining muscle as they are short High intensity workouts, where as long low intensity workouts burn muscle (compare a 100m sprinter to a marathon runner). In saying that if you enjoy long runs as I do just carbo load up prior or do them first thing in the morning before you have eaten when your glycogen levels are low.

Happy to offer more info if anyone wants. I've gone on for long enough
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