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Old 09-11-2013, 09:09 AM
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drewgong drewgong is offline
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Complain about matchmaking a few days after release?! games have a release deadline (that gay big number on the posters spammed everywhere agessss before release) and the developers are under a lot of pressure to have their product ready from the publishers.. in the old console days they would either just not release it on the date or just throw out a half finished buggy game.. these days with consoles adapting the internet they have taken the patching trend from PC games that allows products to go public and continuously update and refine their product, very handy if the finished product has glitches, known or unknown (due to pressured release) i find activision and EA seem to just throw things out if its ready or not whereas some like BLIZZARD (not a pesonal fan but make top stuff) release super polished products. I got BF-BC on launch day, it worked once laggy as, crashed, then refused to accept my account info and was unretrievable! i stormed EB and got a refund... turns out about a year or so later BF-BC is refined as and runs like a dream. i think ghost is in the same basket.. seems a good game ( MP havent even loaded single play) just needs more optimising wich will take time.. still just COD to me, just diff maps n gimmicky killstreaks
06 sti

Last edited by drewgong; 09-11-2013 at 09:12 AM.
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