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Old 11-11-2013, 04:21 PM
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scooby182 scooby182 is offline
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scooby182 at standard level

If anyone can explain why they put this in the game but lock it
so you cant use it..
So there is an option to join friends in party, but the option is locked
the only way you can join a party is to be invited and then got through
the psn screen.
Respawning is so bad.. anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 second.. WTF hey
Then..... Then sometimes you spawn right in front of an enemy and get taken out..
or not often but sometimes you find yourself spawning & catch a glimps of the enemy
running in the other direction... evens out i guess..
Getting sniped from a distance and not knowing where from sucks.
Huge maps and so many places to hide, its a campers playground..
BO2.. I was all about rushing.. Proberly why my KDR is not great in Ghosts
Cod Ghost is all about walking around slowly and sneakily and checking
every part of everywhere you bloody going..
But like I said.. Was rather crappy the first few days of playing,
But stick it out and it will get better..
Dont think I can fight this anymore, Im listening with one foot out the door !

Last edited by scooby182; 11-11-2013 at 04:22 PM.
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