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Old 07-11-2006, 10:27 PM
Posts: n/a

90 grams of carbs a day
200 grams of Protein a day
20 grams of fat

Monday: Shoulders
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Bi's, Tri's, Traps
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Chest

Cardio for 30 minutes after each workout, walking machine, 6km/h at 8 degrees incline.

Abs on Tuesday and Thrusday after cardio for 5 sets each, weighted.

Breakfast: 3 weet bix and Lite White

Lunch: Protein Shake

Mid Arvo: Plate of Chicken or Protein Shake

Dinner: Meat and Salad, ie: Chicken, Turkey, Fish etc.

supper: Tin of tuna and an apple

Bed: Protein Shake.
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