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Old 05-12-2006, 10:16 PM
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I really sympathise with you Gumby. There is nothing worse than an irresponsible fucker who won't own up to doing something wrong. Evolution should take them out of the gene pool period.

Before I start my RANT as well a few very good tips after a fucker runs into your car.

1) Don't get out of the car straight away, even though you probably will want to wring the neck of the person that has just hit you.

2) While sitting in the car. Call 131 444 or 000. Tell the operator that their has been an accident and you suspect someone is injured (hopefuly not U). The police are then required to attend the scene of the accident.

3) Under no circumumstances move your car so you can let traffic through, even if your blocking peak hour and its pissing with rain.

4) While you have stopped traffic grab as many witness Names and Addresses that you can.

5) Finally talk to the fucker that has run into you. Let them do the talking, hopefully in front of a witness if your by yourself. Grab one from a stopped car.

6) Take photos of the scene on any camera you have handy.

Let the police attend and take statements, photographs etc.

These are the hard lessons I have learnt after being Hit and Run by a tailgating irrersponsible fucker July past. We decided to move cars and the C*&^ did a runner. I was very very low on fuel, dark and no chance to give chase. Police still yet to track him down.

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