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DAN682 06-06-2007 08:30 AM

Ok, I will check the server room soon.

I know a couple of people that have started it, they get half way through the 100000000 page book and say fuck this!

mr_psi 06-06-2007 08:34 AM

come around man.... i got all the ebooks ya need and virtual simulators... it will help ya through...

its alot of study i am doin mine at the moment nearly there.. but awesome money once finished..

just pm me.. i got a 2509 and a 4000 with dual WAN interfaces of ebay for 50 buks... awesome buy.. have a look i work for a server team that deals with CISCO and IBM only however they dont give things away :( being as big as they are

let us kno bud

Booga 06-06-2007 09:52 AM

Have you looked at Routersim ?

mr_psi 06-06-2007 09:58 AM

it aint as good as the real thing..

STi Tuned 06-06-2007 10:27 AM

Yeah I've used a few sims... packet tracer is the shit but no OSPF or ISDN support.. limited debug stuff.

I've started using the bosom one a bit.. I get everything configured ok but the hosts won't ping, other crazy shit like this. I'm going to try a few more labs on it tho.

Haven't had a good look at the network visualiser yet but didn't really impress.

STi Tuned 06-06-2007 10:33 AM

Hey while you boys are around.. a guy at work had a company approach him about some stats. He has a website and this company knew stat's like how many hits and IP's of the hits.

Apparently this has been obtained legally and not from the ISP. Any ideas how this would be going down?

DAN682 06-06-2007 10:39 AM

[QUOTE=STi Tuned]Hey while you boys are around.. a guy at work had a company approach him about some stats. He has a website and this company knew stat's like how many hits and IP's of the hits.

Apparently this has been obtained legally and not from the ISP. Any ideas how this would be going down?[/QUOTE]

php script can do it easily. i have it running on a few of my sites.

there is also a company called [url][/url] they have a thing called the neocounter and this does it. you can sign up for a free trial

STi Tuned 06-06-2007 10:49 AM

So what I could use that to monitor say this site... I get how a counter/tracer could work on your own site but how does it grab packets going somewhere else?

DAN682 06-06-2007 11:00 AM

Fuck knows. That's over my head.

I would say that kind of info could only be obtained by the ISP but that would be naive of me wouldn't it ;)

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