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huggy_b 12-01-2012 01:36 PM

[QUOTE=mARC;642772]Agree with this, but unfortunately it'll create toll roads as they'll most probably be privately owned.[/QUOTE]

Like sunrise and sunset, toll roads in WA are inevitable. It will help ease congestion* and is not a revenue raising measure.

[SIZE=1]*please see Sydney and Melbourne as examples of congestion free traffic[/SIZE]

Saint_23 12-01-2012 01:40 PM

People in Perth cant merge and cant drive in general, bunch of cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-arsed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey shit.

Fuck the traffic, I'm going to buy a helicopter. (or an assault rifle)

mitchwnz 12-01-2012 01:52 PM

Perth people are just afraid of change. They only operate in peak hour and control the number of cars merging on to the freeway.. from what I've seen the lights are red for about 5 seconds and then Green for about three seconds then red again. Two cars move forward each time and it allows a smooth flow onto the Freeway. I think the comment about moving the congestion is correct, but to be honest the congestion is there anyway, it's just more controlled this way. I'm not against it at all, as I said I've seen it work perfectly fine in Auckland before I moved to Perth.

reconus 12-01-2012 01:55 PM

Motorbike & Emergency lane win

Nah they should have made the freeways 3 lanes permanently at the least with an onramp/exit ramp lane that does not merge into the 3rd lane, but creates a 4th for the 1km..

like Warwick Rd to Reid, headed toward the city.

RichX 12-01-2012 02:04 PM

If people could merge at freeway speed effectively this would be no issue. Not sure if it will resolve any issues .. even when the light goes green you're still going to get people who don't know how to merge correctly - only takes one bad merger to slow everyone down ...

ur-a-bus 12-01-2012 02:07 PM

[QUOTE=reconus;642782]Motorbike & Emergency lane win

Nah they should have made the freeways 3 lanes permanently at the least with an onramp/exit ramp lane that does not merge into the 3rd lane, but creates a 4th for the 1km..

like Warwick Rd to Reid, headed toward the city.[/QUOTE]

I agree!

Majority of Perth drivers are basically just shit drivers. But there road systems are also shit so that doesn't help at all.

So what they should do is ^^(as above) and have a freeway layout more like England motorways, where the traffic keeps left unless over taking and up the speed limit to 110. (And if anyone goes under that they get shot LOL)

Problem solvered boss!

tarmac 12-01-2012 02:12 PM

I love random stuff that has no chance of doing anything worthwhile makes me happy to pay taxes. The real solution is to teach people to drive properly, but we know this won't happen because they won't provide realistic public transport for the thousands of people who won't get a license.

Intra 12-01-2012 02:15 PM

Is that what the lights are for!!

Jesus, here i was limiter launching thinking it was a street GP circuit! :eek:

REXXXED 12-01-2012 02:38 PM

Add another permanent lane, make it a carpool/motorbike lane only = winning

DAN682 12-01-2012 03:04 PM

CBF reading this thread, all I will say is that in the $50m trial, they are extending on ramps and Dave, you would have seen how well these worked in the U.S Fucking amazing! Also wicked for 0-100KM time trials! :)

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