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fatboy 15-05-2013 10:15 AM

[QUOTE=American Dave;753280]

spending less than you take in revenue will deliver you a surplus ;)[/QUOTE]

Nooooooo really..... are you sure?

"Spending less than you take in revenue will deliver you a surplus" say it isn't so

any other generalized statements you want to sprout at me?

So i take it you are not up for the bet? why not you have 100% faith that any way other than Julia's lot will work..... why not take the punt on a sure thing?

American Dave 15-05-2013 10:17 AM

happy to take your money but lets make it $500 if we are going to go to the trouble of putting $ in escrow

fatboy 15-05-2013 10:28 AM

Why not make it a trillion then............... you and i both know it won't happen unless they cut EVERYTHING.... health, vital services, NBN (don't get me started on Tony's NBN plan of fail) etc......

Not in the next 2 years, i am not having a go at you Dave but if you think they will it is a tad naive!

Sorry not even USA's God can do it And really do they need to, not really, budget surplus is only to give the Today Tonight crowd something else to whinge about

With the state of the globe as it is a small deficit is nothing to worry about anyway

P.s not commenting on this tread any longer, would rather bang my head against my desk for an hour!

American Dave 15-05-2013 10:34 AM

so that's a no on the bet then ?

fatboy 15-05-2013 10:45 AM

[QUOTE=American Dave;753290]so that's a no on the bet then ?[/QUOTE]

$50 and your on, PM me the details as i can't be buggered with this thread anymore!

tuna 15-05-2013 10:50 AM


I was going to vote for the sex party anyway.

American Dave 15-05-2013 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;753294]$50 and your on, PM me the details as i can't be buggered with this thread anymore![/QUOTE]

Why dont you give your $50 to your selected charity and I will do the same. The thrill of winning the bet with you will last a lot longer than the $50 :D

Master D 15-05-2013 11:02 AM

I vote for the party, not the leader.
Last time I did that I voted labour...... Wanted K Rudd. Got K Rudd. Now have red headed slut.

I vote for smaller parties/independents.
They stand for people, not a bunch of money grubbing cunts.
I also see who their preferences go towards, so I know who will won't be in the house next election.

American Dave 15-05-2013 11:04 AM

so you and Stace are both voting for the sex party right Dave ?

Slap Dash 15-05-2013 11:07 AM

Pirate party apparently got their shit together. Might give them a vote...

If I had a choice of not voting, I wouldn't.

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