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SyncSubaru 15-05-2013 11:08 AM

No point voting for a small party, you may aswell not vote. Vote for somebody who actually has a chance to get into government who best meets your needs. Liberal Abbot all the way. I can live without an NBN provided my country isnt going down the shitter to get it.

Bob 15-05-2013 11:15 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;753288]Why not make it a trillion then............... you and i both know it won't happen unless they cut EVERYTHING.... health, vital services, NBN (don't get me started on Tony's NBN plan of fail) etc......[/QUOTE]

If the proposed cuts are that drastic to see us back in surplus, then that's a bloody good indication of the current state of affairs yes?

~165 Billion in debt with only 23 Milllion people is a concern to me.

FYI Labor has reset the debt ceiling to 300 Billion. Cleary there is no move to surplus with the current party.
FYI x 2. The only reason why Labor is in this position is voting preferences across the floor by the greens and independants to form a minority government. You might want to think about where your vote will end up in the hands of who you vote for.

Master D 15-05-2013 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=American Dave;753302]so you and Stace are both voting for the sex party right Dave ?[/QUOTE]

Might as well.

Or I'll vote for united Australia.
Clearly a rich man who has ideas is better than 2 broke fuckwits who don't have 1 good idea between them.

Why not have a new major party run the country?

EXPLICIT 15-05-2013 11:53 AM


BLUES 15-05-2013 12:59 PM

Good to see they're cutting the Breeder Bonus - first smart thing they've done since they bribed the independent's and Greens into government.

Plasma TV sales should drop and all the fat back TV's dumped on the verge on bulk collection days will now be collected by battlers...

GTB Liberty 15-05-2013 01:05 PM

I want to run my business like the Federal government - spend like crazy, take the highest estimates for revenue, then leave the resultant debt for the next generation.

Never said by any reasonable business.

mARC 15-05-2013 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=GTB Liberty;753337]I want to run my business like the Federal government - spend like crazy, take the highest estimates for revenue, then leave the resultant debt for the next generation.

Never said by any reasonable business.[/QUOTE]

Become an investment banker?

[I]Or alternately being American/English and a Director/CEO will suffice[/I] :p

EXPLICIT 15-05-2013 01:56 PM

Problem is business doesn't need to deal with the humanitarian condition (possibly at a corporate level - you start entering political realms in any case). Yes a business approach works best for the economy, as it should..... but you have swing voters as well as the majority that makes up the middle/lower class that need to feel they're being looked out for. In essence this is who a lot of these masquerade campaigns are aimed at. The majority of the populous don't care about politics, or know alot about it. The swing voters are similar to a cat chasing a laser pointer along a white wall.

teejay 15-05-2013 01:56 PM

American Automotive and Banking Industry welcomes you on board Mr Andrew D.

American Dave 15-05-2013 02:34 PM

quote of the day

Independent senator Nick Xenophon said the budget was less of a pathway back to surplus and more of a labyrinth.

"Even if Wayne Swan gave every Australian in the budget a solid gold baseball bat most of them would still use it on this government come election day," he told reporters.

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